Las Trampas: Rocky Ridge 2/13/16photoLas Trampas: Rocky Ridge 2/13/161 Like
August 2012
Ragged Peak CrystalphotoRagged Peak Crystal1 Like
July 2012
Bull Run Lake, 7-14-12photoBull Run Lake, 7-14-121 LikeBull Run PeakphotoBull Run Peak1 LikeView of Bull Run LakephotoView of Bull Run Lake1 LikeHenry PeakphotoHenry Peak1 LikeJacques causes a stampedephotoJacques causes a stampede2 LikesSteven, the Cow WhispererphotoSteven, the Cow Whisperer1 LikeEric, Barb, Kimberly, Patrick & StevenphotoEric, Barb, Kimberly, Patrick & Steven1 LikeBull Run Lake, 7-14-12photoBull Run Lake, 7-14-121 LikeJohnny in Bull Run LakephotoJohnny in Bull Run Lake1 LikeBull Run Lake, 7-14-12photoBull Run Lake, 7-14-122 LikesSteven, Debbie, Jeanette, Tom, Barb, Pixie,…photoSteven, Debbie, Jeanette, Tom, Barb, Pixie,…1 LikeAlpine LilyphotoAlpine Lily1 LikePalmer's Catchfly / CampionphotoPalmer's Catchfly / Campion1 LikeSteven toward Middle Gaylor LakephotoSteven toward Middle Gaylor Lake1 LikeEric(2), Michelle, Eric(1), Ellie, Devin, Co…photoEric(2), Michelle, Eric(1), Ellie, Devin, Co…1 LikeGaylor and Granite Lakes 6/30/12photoGaylor and Granite Lakes 6/30/121 LikeRalph, Barb, Jackie, Kimberly, Jillian, Dann…photoRalph, Barb, Jackie, Kimberly, Jillian, Dann…1 LikeEllie, Michelle & Dora against the Cathedral…photoEllie, Michelle & Dora against the Cathedral…1 Like